
SFC-4000 System

CO2 delivery pumps

The CO2 pumps (with flow rate up to 120 ml/min) include Peltier cooling (with pump-head temperature monitoring) to control the density of the mobile phase for accurate CO2 flow with excellent retention time reproducibility.

Automatic, shut-off valves close the CO2 inlet and outlet (and co-solvent pump) to isolate the pumps for quick and simple priming when flow is not pumping.

Semi-Preparative CO2 pump – PU-4386
Semi-Preparative CO2 pump – PU-4386
Back Pressure Regulator – BP-4340
Back Pressure Regulator – BP-4340

SFC autosamplers

The autosamplers has a sample capacity of up to 180 samples (AS-4350 model) with both full-loop and variable-loop injection up to 10 ml (AS-4358 model).

For increasing throughput, towards the end of the current separation, the next sample is pre-loaded into the loop to eliminate the loading time between injections.

Back pressure regulator

The patented back pressure regulator has unmatched pressure regulation precision and accuracy with an extremely low noise baseline and excellent retention time reproducibility.

Gas-liquid separator

The micro-cyclone separators provide simple gas-liquid separation in the fraction vial typically yielding better than 95 % recoveries.

Micro-cyclone separator
Micro-cyclone separator
Column Oven – CO-4060
Column Oven – CO-4060

SFC Column Ovens

The SFC-4000 Series column ovens have been designed to provide excellent utility for a wide range of different user requirements.

All SFC column ovens have built-in electronic cooling for controlling column temperature at sub-ambient temperatures.


For analytical and larger preparative vessels, select either of the two high-capacity CO-4060 or CO-4065 vessel ovens.

SFC Detectors lineup

With JASCO’s long history of spectrometer development, you will find that each detector is well designed; these next generation detectors employ the latest optical and electronic technologies for high sensitivity, excellent stability and easy maintenance. The features of JASCO’s SFC detector are as below:

Diode Array Detector - MD-4010
Diode Array Detector - MD-4010

UV-Visible Detectors

The UV-4070 (190 – 900 nm) and UV-4075 (190 – 600 nm) UV-visible detectors both use an advanced Czerny-Turner monochromator with dual wavelength and scanning functions.

Baseline change due to refractive index is minimized by the flow cell design, and fluctuation from changes in environmental and lamp temperature are reduced with a regulated lamp housing and temperature controlled cell.

PDA Detectors

The SFC-4000 Series includes three PDA detectors. The MD-4017 is a simple replacement for a single wavelength detector, the MD-4015 is the workhorse for UV-Visible detection in the range 200 to 650 nm and the MD-4010 has a wide wavelength range.

When used with ChromNAV 2.0 CDS the PDA detector offers multi-functional analysis with a variety of functions such as spectral analysis, library search for peak identification, peak purity and multi-wavelength quantitation.

Fluorescence Detectors

The FP-4020 and FP-4025 fluorescence detectors have been designed for the pursuit of extreme sensitivity. A complete redesign of the optics and electronics, as well as removing the effects temperature fluctuation with a new temperature regulated cell body has led to the highest sensitivity with stable detection.

Circular Dichroism Detector

The CD-4095 is a unique SFC CD detector for measuring circular dichroism developed from the market leading J-Series circular dichroism spectropolarimeters. Optically active compounds with a chromophore close to a chiral center may absorb circularly polarized light, which can be detected with excellent sensitivity and selectivity.

When chiral compounds are measured using a UV-Visible detector, the d- and l- enantiomers cannot be distinguished even when separated by a chiral column, however the CD-4095 CD detector makes it possible to positively distinguish between the d- and l- enantiomers by measuring their positive and negative peaks.

ChromNAV 2.0 Software

The latest version of ChromNAV 2.0 software is a simple to use, and powerful Chromatography Data System (CDS). The highly configurable graphical-user-interface (GUI) can be quickly set up to display only the functions necessary for your use.

Users can quickly learn the operation and explore the extensive functionality for instrument control and data processing.

ChromNAV 2.0 HPLC Software
ChromNAV 2.0 HPLC Software


ChromNAV 2.0 is a universal CDS which can be used with any type of analytical separation, including: HPLC, UHPLC, GPC, SFC/SFE and preparative HPLC & SFC/SFE. Check out the complete suite of option applications below.

ChromNav 2.0 Standard Features

All raw data is protected and saved, which can then be analyzed and re-analyzed, reported and saved with both the raw data and any data processing from the user’s analysis.

A comprehensive audit trail records the acquisition method along with a history of instrument performance indicators in each sample data file, which provides the user a snap-shot of the condition of the system during the run and can warn about requirements for impending maintenance

Powerful System Control for Method Development

ChromNAV 2.0 offers flexible system control and data acquisition with options for 2D (or up to 4D) gradient control and multi-zone oven control (up to 3) for method development.

Solvent and column selection has been increased to include up to 10 positions for both. During acquisition, the run-time for a chromatogram can be increased to capture later eluting peaks that may exceed the set run-time.

Data Rich

During acquisition a ‘known’ chromatogram can be overlaid for visual comparison with the currently separation, as a quick indicator to the user of the reliability current separation. The fluorescence and UV-visible detectors both include the spectral scanning, which can be triggered manually, by time or by threshold.

Data acquisition and analysis for PDA detectors are included as standard in ChromNAV. A newly added feature is the ability to send an automated email to your PC or smartphone with an update on the progress of the sequence.